Saturday, February 26, 2011

Faking it: Cooking edition

We've been eating out a lot lately. That's code for: I've been really lazy about cooking lately. In my own defense, I've been busy at work and extra fatigued because the wee one hasn't been sleeping well (although that's getting better), but what mom doesn't feel that way ALL THE TIME? So it's not much of a defense, and anyway I'm starting to feel unhealthy from eating out so much. Time for a change. The thing is, I like cooking, except it's time consuming and messes up my kitchen. If I had someone to swoop in after me and clean up my kitchen, I'd cook a lot more. A prep cook to prepare all the ingredients for me in nice little bowls would also be lovely.

So my March resolution, effective immediately, is to cook more. Here's the menu for this week:
  Tonight: bacon-wrapped scallops (hubby's favorite), butternut squash risotto, lemon arugula salad
  Tomorrow: Mediterranean quiche
  Monday: steak with roasted asparagus

That's all I've got so far. HERE'S WHERE YOU COME IN! Comment on this post with links to your family's favorite recipes, or send them to my email or facebook, please. Elena, I want your tandoori chicken burgers. Let's all remember that the hubby won't eat rice or pasta (I know, I know), so bonus points for paleo-friendly recipes (so meats and veggies, basically).

In related news, I've also started playing everyone's favorite domestic game: defrost-that-mystery-container-and-eat-it. Since I hate wasting food, I often throw leftovers into containers and stick them in my freezer. What I NEVER do is date or label them, so every defrosted meal is an adventure. As I type I'm eating something that I believe is curried butternut squash soup, which I have no recollection of making but which is quite yummy and probably from this fall since that would be squash season. Isn't this fun?

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